No More Ads Shown By Google On Right Side Of Desktop Search Results

Hello Friends – I don’t know if you really noticed this but it’s true that Google Stops Showing Ads On the Right Side of Desktop Search Results Worldwide. Now, this is another big change that Google is making. And do you know how this impacts you as an SEM professional? Abhishek Branding LLP got this news and we thought of updating your Friends Latest Google Update – No More Ads Shown By Google On the Right Side Of Desktop Search Results.

Have you been into the SEM business for quite some time or have you just landed in this profession with an aim to make huge returns on your investments even by making small bids in the AdWords campaigns? You can now see your dreams shattering by this change that Google has made in its algorithm.


Google Stops Showing Ads On Right Side Of Desktop Search Results Worldwide – But Why?

This has been done keeping in mind the increased mobile user pattern of the internet and google searches across the globe. Google wants to make its search engine an altogether new experience and since the mobile user base is increasing, so they are Optimizing their search results in the same line. This has been confirmed to search engine land.  Also if you might have noticed that the desktop search results are getting similar to the search results that you see on mobile devices.








A Google spokesperson has confirmed to Search Engine Land that the change is now rolling out to all searches in all languages worldwide. Ads will not appear on the right side of desktop search results, but there are two exceptions:

  1. Google’s Product Listing Ad (PLA) boxes
  2. ads that show up in the Knowledge Panel

The PLA box is an ad unit that appears either on the right of the search results page or above the search results; those boxes will continue to show in both places. The Knowledge Panel also appears on the right side of the page and sometimes includes ads.

The additional fourth ad that may show above the search results will only show up for highly commercial queries, according to Google’s official statement on the change:

“We’ve been testing this layout for a long time, so some people might see it on a very small number of commercial queries. We’ll continue to make tweaks, but this is designed for highly commercial queries where the layout is able to provide more relevant results for people searching and better performance for advertisers.”

To clarify, the elimination of right-side ads impacts all desktop searches worldwide; the addition of the fourth ad above search results will happen for “highly commercial queries.” This would involve searches like “hotels in New York City” or “car insurance” and the like No More Ads Shown By Google On Right Side Of Desktop Search Results.

The removal of all right-side ads obviously makes the desktop and mobile search results more similar. On mobile, though, Google typically shows either two or three ads at the top of the search results.

